Monday, December 21, 2009

Is it okay to cook veggies after you have washed some mold off of it? i need help asap???

You would be better to cut it off and discard.Is it okay to cook veggies after you have washed some mold off of it? i need help asap???
It really depends on what type of veggies you are talking about.

Sometimes you can cut out bad spots and the rest of the veggie is okay.

Some veggies will pick up the taste of the mold and not be so good. Use your good judgement. Cut off a little piece and taste it, if it tastes okay ... then cook it and eat it!Is it okay to cook veggies after you have washed some mold off of it? i need help asap???
Depends on the veggie, can you cut away the area where the mold was and still have enough veggie? Sometimes if I keep green peppers in the refrig to long the stem molds, I just cut it away and a little around it and use them. Good luck.
I know on occasions my cucumber may get soft and mushy (and moldy) on one end - I just cut that end off and use the rest. Same for zucchini. If you have bad spots on the zucchini, just rinse it off, then cut out the bad spots and you are good to go.
If the vegetables have mold, then you should just have thrown them away and not wash them. Next time, just toss them out instead of attempting to eat them. They could also have mold inside and make you sick.
when anything has mold on it you should throw it right away instead of bothering to wash it! the next time you find mold on ANYTHING you should throw it away!
yes.. as long as the veggi is not soft and if its just surface mold..If its inside of the veggi throw it out..
soak them in vinegar water first( it kills bacteria)

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